The Surprising Shopping Trend Replacing Fast Fashion

In today’s fast-fashion market, online and brick-and-mortar retailers have capitalized on mass production to expand their reach and build their customer base. As much as we love brands like Zara and H&M, we can become understandably overwhelmed by the sheer quantities of clothing, shoes and accessories, especially when most of these brands update their merchandise several times a season. It’s refreshing to see a different shopping trend becoming more mainstream, and perhaps even poised to lure us away from our fast-fashion addiction: crowdfunding. More companies intend to bring the decision-making back to the customers by collecting funding from us (and sometimes venture capitalists, too), and then listening to what we really want—whether we’re talking eco-friendly garments or quality fabrics at a lower price. Here, a few of the fashion brands changing up the industry with this business model.

Samantha McDonald